Reactivation of Voice of Restoration Missionary Trips

After a series of meetings with Rev. William NC Garcia, Rev. James C Garcia, Brother Joseph C. Garcia, and Rev. Bernabé NC García, and upon consultation with Apostle Missionary Pastor Rev. Bernabé G. García, the consensus was reached that the bride of Jesus Christ would be best served if the Voice of Restoration reactivated the missionary trip portion of its ministry.

While it was the President’s desire that the focus of The Voice of Restoration remain the transcription and production of the messages brought by Rev. Bernabé G. García, Brother William and Joseph along with Brother James Garcia felt very strongly that a united front was best served by working under the banner of Voice of Restoration in the missionary field.

There will continue to be a marked distinction between those men sent specifically from Voice of Restoration and those that are merely sympathizers of the the Voice of Restoration. Anyone travelling on official business of the Voice of Restoration will be named specifically on this website under our “Current Trip” and our “Upcoming Trip” section.

Voice of Restoration continues to work in conjunction with other ministries, including but not limited to City of Refuge Ministries, Circuit Rider Ministry, La Sangre de Cristo, and World Wide Missionary Outreach. However, those ministries do not represent Voice of Restoration in an official capacity except as when noted from this website.

In the future ALL official Voice of Restoration events will be announced from this website. Please note that not ALL of the activities posted by Phoenix Tabernacle are Voice of Restoration events. However, our ministries are closely entwined with the ministries of all who follow the message of the hour. We support each and every church’s rights and desires to have events. It is just physically impossible for us to be at every event.

We will continue to announce and to attend non-official Voice of Restoration events as it is our continual desire to fellowship with all of our brothers. An official Voice of Restoration event is one in which the the leadership of Voice of Restoration designs, implements and carries out the programmed activities.

We covet the prayers of each and everyone of you that love the ministry of Rev. Bernabé G. García as we do our utmost to carry on the missionary work he started while remaining faithful to his vision for the future.

In his service,
Rev. Bernabé NC García for and with Rev. Bernabé G. García, Sr.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Colombia - Bogota 30 Aug 2009 - Sunday & Monday

We went to both services (8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.) and they were both packed with different groups. Brother Fabio spoke at 8:00 a.m. and Brother Enrique his co-pastor spoke at the 11:00 a.m. service. Both services were good, but I really appreciated Brother Enrique's sermon.

After service Brother Enrique in representation of Brother Fabio took us to eat at a fabulous restaurant. After eating we went home, where totally exhausted I went upstairs to take a nap.

I awoke about an hour later, and went down refreshed to have fellowship with Brother Eleazar and his wife Sister Jenny, the matron Alvarez sister Cecilia, Sister Sharon, Brother Beltran and his wife Sister Ceci, Brother Gerson, and of course brother José Alvarez.

After a time of fellowship I was asked to speak some words. I began to ask questions. We explored the driving force behind everything we do, and I explained the mechanism of freeing ourself from that driving force and being willing to look at life with new eyes and purpose.

They then asked me to speak a few words to each one. After a lot of stalling, and making sure everything else was ready to go I finally agreed to talk to each one. They all gathered around expectantly, and I just directed myself to each one individually, and acknowledged them for who they were to me and shared my appreciation to them for their specialness and uniqueness.

The Spirit of the Lord made himself present as the Holy Spirit began to discern the very needs and desires of their hearts. Not a person escaped the touch of the sword of God which discerns even the thoughts and intents of the heart. When I was done, everyone was in tears and we arose in prayer. I laid hands on Sister Sharon as everyone gathered around and asked God to anchor in her heart that very moment the unshakeable assurance that she was the daughter of God. In Christ Jesus's name I granted each person there the desires of their heart. God confirmed his presence there for each one.

I was taken to the airport, boarded my flight to Houston (praise God, I was upgraded), arrived at 5:00 a.m. Monday morning at George Bush International Airport in Houston, walked into the President's Club and took a much needed shower. After showering I sat down, opened up my laptop and updated these blogs.

God Bless You!
Bernabé NC García Jr.


  1. God bless you sir. The testimonies of columbia are awsome! Praise the Lord! You are in our prayers back at home. I wish I was able to back you up by your side on the feild.I love you sir and may the lord grant you strength for the pressure to come.
    ---bernie iii

  2. Thank you son for your words. I miss you being with me more than you could ever imagine. God bless you too!


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