Bernabé NC García Jr and Pastor José Alvarez |
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Service Tuesday evening was at the same hotel as yesterday. I brought the message, taking a thought from yesterday's message on Thirst. I had talked about thirst, but mentioned that there was a reason why that thirst was put there and that I would talk about it tomorrow (which would be Tuesday).
Starting from Psalms 42:7 and Revelation 3:20 I spoke of how the deep calling to the deep and the voice knocking on the door was one and the same thing. I began to speak of before God existed. How that in fact nothing existed except for a being (for lack of a better word) by the name of Elohim existed. Elohim means the self-existent one. Nothing else existed outside of Elohim.
Elohim had desires, attributes he wanted to display, characters he wanted to unfold. Elohim spoke to these attributes and an agreement was made that the attributes would become flesh and thus allow Elohim to develop his attributes and become a God, healer, savior, conqueror, and everything else He wanted to reveal. But for this to work the way Elohim wanted to, he had to divide himself (to put a piece of himself in each vessel) in such a way that it would self identify with the flesh and dis-identify itself with its Elohim-ness (again for lack of a better word).
But how could he be sure that he would “wake up” from his self induced dream to remember that he was not flesh but Spirit? He designed and implanted a seed, a Holy thirst, that would be in each on of his “partners” so that each capsulized part of Him would know that something was missing, that there was something more, an emptiness that would only be filled when they became re-integrated into his Divine nature.
We are Him, He is us. We in Him, He in us, God talking and fellowshipping with God. The glow on the faces of the people as they felt the truth of their oneness with God was striking.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
We drove the hour drive to Barrancabermeja (B/Bermeja) where we had service in the evening. On the way to church I was thinking that I should have my son Tres bring the message, but since I was already announced to speak, I decided against it. I should have known better...
I started speaking about Pardon, using the scripture from Matthew 5: 21-26, and spoke of the importance of asking our brothers for forgiveness and not offending our brothers. I read Mark 9:42-48 and starting reading Luke 17:1.
It was at this point that I became very ill, almost fainting at the pulpit, and too weak to continue. I asked Tres to come sing a song, and while he was coming up, finished reading the scripture. By that time I felt I was about to die, so I told everyone that I was finishing my message, that Tres would sing a song, share a testimony, and then wrap up the service.
I barely made it to the back office, where I slumped over, feeling the need to empty my stomach, but not having the strength to. About fifteen minutes later I became alarmed as my arms started to tingle. Just as panic was about to set in, I realized that the auditorium was hopping. The Holy Spirit was moving very strongly as Tres had wrapped up a testimony and had started a worship song. I realized that what I was feeling was the presence of the Lord.
I thanked the Lord for his presence. He always knows all things and what is needed. After service, Tres, walked back into the office, saw me slumped over a pail, and started praying for me. I knew that God would answer the prayer! We went to Sister Lily's house where I laid down as the rest of the people had fellowship with Tres. I put my iPhone to some music, and as I was laying down the song began to play “He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, surely he bore our sorrows, and by His stripes we are healed... So RISE and be HEALED in the name of Jesus", and at that moment I knew that I must rise and accept my healing. From that moment I have been fine.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Service Thursday night was concentrated. I wanted to finish up from Wednesday's message and really flesh out the reason why so much emphasis is put on being right with our brethren, confessing and fixing our problems with them.
I used:
Matthew 5:23-24
Mark 9:42-48
Luke 17: 1-2
I began to explain the importance of having a repentant heart, of being willing to be honest with oneself and be willing to take correction.
We talked about Cain and his unwillingness to let go of his grudge (Genesis 4:3-7).
We talked of the wickedness of Judah, and how God details for Judah their wickedness, and the reason why He is so displeased with them, and then says, “Come, let us reason together, even if your sins be a crimson, they shall be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1)
Jesus spoke to the Pharisees who had not a repentant heart saying that the harlots and publicans and tax collectors would make it to heaven before the Pharisees because they thought they had no need to repent (the did not believe John the Baptist message that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand and thus ignored John's exhortation to REPENT) Matthew 21: 28-32 and Luke 18:9-14.
I read quotes from Brother Branham including:
Who has believed our report? (52-0720 Par E-41)
The Testimony of Jesus Christ (53-0829 par E-53-47)
Faith without works is Dead (53-0905 Par E-19-26)
How the Angel came to me (53-1107 Par E-47)
Do you now Believe (53-1206 par E-46-52)
In these quotes Brother Branham explains that if you sin against your Brother or Sister you need to confess to them, not to God. You never sinned against God, you sinned against your brother (in this case, against your marriage vows).
Matthew 16:17-20
Acts 2:38
Matthew 18:15-20
These scriptures nails it down, verifying scripturally what Brother Branham taught, that we must reconcile with our brothers we have sinned against because they have the power to bind on earth and it will be bound in heaven, and to set free on earth, and it will be set free in heaven.
The saints shall judge the earth.
After service, I was privileged to see believers talking to each other and making things right with each other. There is high expectations as I announced that Friday we would be having prayer for the sick and that they should fix any impediments now so that nothing stop their blessings.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Today we had a wonderful fellowship and meal at Brother Marcos and Sister Josefina's house. Some may remember the testimony of sister Josefina from my last trip to Colombia. They had threatened her life at her work, and when I went to visit her house she was a nervous wreck.
She laughed with us today as she recalled my words to her, “Sister, why be nervous? When they kill you they are just doing you the favor of sending you into the presence of your God whom you love so much”. I told her that God was moving her, and that he had been speaking to her for some time about moving her closer to her house (she was teaching in a rural area about 40 minutes from her home). She admitted to me that she had on several occasions had the urge to ask for a transfer but had suppressed those thoughts.
She testified that within a few days after my visit that all the necessary arrangements were made and that they transferred her to a school about five minutes from her home! She was so happy. She also testified to us that four months ago God healed her of cancer!
We had a short nap and then drove the hour drive to B/Bermeja again where I preached on “Como sabes.” asking how do you know that you are saved? How can you be sure? Everyone claims to be in the right. Everyone claims to know God. How can you be sure you are following in the truth?
We took the children of Israel, following the Cloud and Pillar of Fire. From there God gave them Moses to speak to them, and God had Moses to assemble the people so that He could speak to Moses in front of the people so that they would forever believe that God really spoke to Moses. Then God gave them the Urim and Thummim, where the lights would shine forth.
Then came the light of the World, Jesus Christ the Lord, the very son of God, who manifested that he was God in flesh. Then he sent Paul to the Gentiles to be that light, to bring that Urim and Thummim. Paul said, if any man, or even an angel from heaven, or even if I myself would preach anything different than the Gospel I have given to you, let them be accursed.
Now we have the Urim and Thummim, the Word of God, by which we can consult and know what God has to say to us. How we should live. We must judge what every man, preacher, priest, church, and teacher says by the Urim and Thummim.
Scriptures used:
II Peter 1:10-11
Exodus 28:30
Numbers 27:21
I Samuel 28:6
Exodus 13:21
Exodus 20:18-41
Acts 13:47
Prayer line was amazing, the presence of God was so strong. People felt free, the mystery of knowing how to know had been revealed to them. If God said by His stripes we are healed, if He said He sent His Word and healed them of all their diseases, if He said “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever” then it was so, and their healing was their's to receive.
Tres worshiped afterwards and the presence of God in the worship was incredible. We could not stop singing the songs that Brother Shamgar and the Chidyausiku family had taught us from Africa—it was non-stop worship for about 40 minutes, all in an unknown tongue and language, but everyone was in the spirit and singing. Suddenly Tres swung into the Spanish version of the song and the place exploded. Praise be to God, because he is the ONLY one worthy of Praise!
Tomorrow thank God, I get a little bit of rest as there will be no service! Please keep us in your prayers!
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