Bernie Tres and Bjr in Restuarant
Barrancabermeja, Colombia |
Santo Domingo de los Colorados
Friday Evening, February 11, 2011
Service tonight was a wonderful time in the Lord. Rather than talk about it, I would like to invite everyone to watch the service on the internet as it was broadcast live and archived on our Video network at
After service we
had dinner at Brother Flavio's house, it was a wonderful dinner and an even better fellowship.
Puyo, Ecuador
Saturday, February 12, 2011
We travelled to Puyo where Brother Raul Londoño lives in preparation for service that evening in Simón Bolivar where Brother Raul pastors his small church. The church is actually about a 45 minute drive from where he lives. The people are very nice, and I was looking forward to a good time of fellowship being that we had been well received the last time we were there.
Bernie 3 spoke the first night and did a wonderful job. The people were very happy.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I spoke in the morning, bringing a teaching on Ezekioel 37:1-10 entitled Valley of Death. I used the scriptures Psalms 23:4, Psalms 137:1-4, Ezekiel 37:1-10, and Ezekiel 1:1 (with comparisons to Rev. 1: 9-11)
- When the Lord is lord of your life, you need not fear Death.
- No matter what your training or lack of it, you must be ready to answer when God calls.
- If you do not get in the Spirit, then life will overcome you (smother or sofocar).
- If you are in the Spirit, you will be victorious despite your circumstances i.e.
- Daniel in the Lions' den
- Paul & Barnabas in the dungeon/prison
- Thee Hebrew children in the fiery furnace
- Shamgar – killed 600 with an ox goad
- Ezekiel amongst the captives by the riverside
- The power of the Spoken Word to bring Life into a dead situation
- Prophesy – Speak with authority and inspiration
I also read from Diety of Jesus Christ pg. 13, par 79 and Romans 10: 8-11.
There was much rejoicing amongst the people, but especially the pastor Brother Raul Londoño was very happy with the message calling it very timely and directly to key people that he wanted helped.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Very relaxing day as we made our way with no hurry back to Quito, Ecuador where we would spend the night in the Holiday Inn Express next to Burger King. We quickly ordered room service and had burgers and fries. Delicious!!
A few hours later, Brother Londoño returned with his wife and brother-in-law Juan Carlos. Being that they were hungry and we had already eaten, we never the less decided to eat at a 24 hour restaurant next to the hotel. Bernie Tres had a difficult time going as he was very tired, but he put his tiredness aside and went with us to eat. God used him there to minister to Brother Juan Carlos, and the final desire of Pastor Raul Londoño was fulfilled that evening as Juan Carlos understood that God's grace was for him.
Our flight was very early in the morning, and the hotel had a working agreement with taxi company to get us there for $6.00 which was very reasonable for a 25 minute ride.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
We awoke very early in the morning after a short 4 hour sleep, got up, packed, took the taxi to the airport and checked in. After we were checked in, we were then informed that "Oh, by the way, the flight has been delayed until 11:45 a.m."
Me and B3 looked at each other in disgust... It was 5:30 a.m.! That meant we could have slept another four hours and got to the airport on time if we had known! I growled at myself for not having checked my email that morning, because I get flight updates automatically... oh well.
In the waiting room there was a lot of tension as everyone was upset at the delay and tempers were short. After a few hours we were updated that our flight would be delayed until 12:45. I was really upset because that meant that our first class tickets from Houston to Phoenix would be lost (we had been courtesy upgraded on our original itinerary).
I approached the Continental and asked them to change my flight as I would no longer make the original itinerary. They were very happy to do so, and even placed B3 on a first class seat and put me on the standby list. They explained that as a Platinum I was almost a shoo-in for an upgrade, while B3 as a silver might not get upgraded.
As we sat and waited, B3 took out his guitar as he is apt to do many times when we have extra time on our hands. He began playing a song that I thought was very appropriate for the situation, “This too shall pass”.
As he began to play little by little the conversations were hushed until by the end of the song you could hear a complete silence throughout the entire section of the airport where we were seated. As the last words were sung, and the last notes began to fade out suddenly the entire waiting room erupted in a spontaneous applause as the grateful passengers showed their appreciation.
B3 sang three more songs, and each was loudly applauded. When he put the guitar away, people began to walk up to him and thank him for changing the atmosphere in the airport. It was amazing to see how blessed the people were.
At Houston we discovered that we were both upgraded to first class. And so with great comfort and happiness we were transported back to Phoenix to be reunited with our lovely family!
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